I have known Dr. Marc Darrow of the Darrow Stem Cell Institute for many years.
Initially I interviewed him for my book, Ageless to find out about his work with regenerative medicine, a natural injection series.
Prolotherapy is an early form of regenerative medicine that has progressed throughout the years to include PRP and Stem Cells. Regenerative medicine involves injecting a dextrose solution, platelets from the blood, or stem cells and platelets from bone marrow, or just stem cells from fat, into the place where soft tissue is injured, such as the joints, muscles, tendons or ligaments.
After the interview I was intrigued. I had torn the Meniscus in my right knee while doing my nightly one woman Broadway show. I went to a surgeon and he recommended surgery. Instead I decided to try working with Dr. Darrow. I was looking for a non-surgical, non-drug way to eliminate the throbbing pain in my knee and I felt we could be a good ‘fit’.
Our first pain in life usually happens as kids: we fell off our bikes or other recreational modes and broke our legs and arms. So often later in life these childhood injuries become inflamed ‘weak spots’ often resulting in dull or whopping, throbbing chronic pain. Most people with pain pop pain meds and carry on until the meds no longer work. I didn’t want to be on drugs so instead I had Dr. Darrow inject his Prolotherapy sugar solution and in time the problem went away, never requiring surgery or pain medications.
Prolotherapy injection is usually paired with a local anesthetic, such as Procaine or Lidocaine. The solution can be sodium morrhuate, sugar or a mixture of sugar and phenol. For my injury, Dr. Darrow gave me a series of injections over a period of about three weeks. I am very happy I chose to be Dr. Darrow’s patient. My series of injections worked and surgery was avoided.
Dr. Darrow also treats my son Bruce, an avid cyclist, who has had more ‘incidents’ than he probably wishes to share with me. But I know each time he has a cycling ‘episode’ he runs to Dr. Darrow and I feel confident he is with a doctor who is not a pill pusher but rather, solution oriented. Pain is an overwhelming condition; sometimes so debilitating it destroys happiness and quality of life. Chronic debilitating pain is its own animal . . . and as human beings we will do most anything to eliminate it, thus the rise of prescription pain medications . . . drugs that so often lead to addiction. There is no free lunch with pharmaceuticals and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that continued use of heavy duty pain medications is a road to ‘no good’.

But what if you could re-build bone? What if you could eliminate pain permanently?
But what if you could re-build bone? What if you could eliminate pain permanently? Dr. Darrow understands the effects of bone loss not only related to hormone deficiency but with stem cells rebuilding joint cartilage.
It has long been thought that once bone is gone, it’s gone; there’s not been much you could do about it, until now. Dr. Darrow asks the question: why not try to first regrow the bone and repair the tissue with the goal of avoiding surgery and eliminating pain?
Isn’t this the kind of doctor you are looking for? This book is your opportunity to educate yourself so you can intelligently ask the proper questions and best of all make the right decision for yourself. Surgeons perform surgery. If you go to a surgeon that is what will most-likely be recommended. Most people are not educated about other options. This book offers another option.
Dr. Darrow has been one of the first doctors to use stem cells and Platelet Rich Plasma therapy (PRP). From what I understand he does as much or more of these procedures than any doctor in the world.
These treatments come under the term “Regenerative Medicine.” Regenerative medicine is the science that studies the regeneration of biological tissues obtained through the use of cells. PRP is obtained from the withdrawal of the patients’ blood, concentrating the platelets in a safe, economical way to promote growth factors that stimulate new tissue growth. PRP is able to significantly reduce or eliminate pain and improve joint, tendon, and ligament function.
Science is accelerating at breakneck speed. Both doctors and researchers hope they have found the answer to pain in the promise of bone marrow stem cells. The medical community is excited that stem cells work by rebuilding from within the diseased joint into a healing joint environment. Bone marrow stem cells increase tissue proliferation.
Stem cell injections regrow cartilage and stop chronic inflammation. When you have pain, this is what you are looking for. Before you find yourself addicted to powerful opiates or lying on an operating table with your fingers crossed hoping that this surgery will be the answer to your pain, you now have an exciting new first option; PRP and stem cell therapy might be just what you are looking for. This book could change your life for the better.

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