Shoulder Pain

Surgery Doesn't Have to Be the Only Option
Why you may not need shoulder surgery: Even with a Bad MRI
Many people that come to see us for shoulder pain will tell us that their doctor has described for them one of the “worst MRIs” they have ever seen.
Yet, some of these people are really not good surgical candidates. How can that be?
The simple reason for some is that the tear is not progressing enough to cause new or significant pain. But a tear still exists on MRI. Should it be operated on?

For appropriate candidates, surgery can be avoided in these conditions:
- Rotator cuff tendinitis
- Shoulder Impingement
- Shoulder instability
- Shoulder labrum tear
- Shoulder osteoarthritis
- Frozen shoulder
Alleviating Shoulder Pain
Dr. Marc Darrow uses non-surgical methods to treat shoulder pain. Bone marrow concentrate and Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy have demonstrated significant improvements in shoulder pain. Please contact Dr. Darrow so we can begin our assessment of your candidacy for treatment.
Shoulder Pain Treatment
Bone Marrow Aspirate Concentrate
Bone marrow concentrate or bone marrow aspirate concentrate is the injection into the damaged, injured area of the shoulder. The injection contains stem cells that have been drawn from the patient’s own bone marrow.
Shoulder Pain Treatment
Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy
We have published research on the treatment of shoulder pain with Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy. The research appears in the peer-reviewed Journal of Orthopaedics Spine and Sports Medicine.
Joint Rehab

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Call 1-800-300-9300 or 310-231-7000
With over 25 years experience in regenerative medicine techniques and the treatment of thousands of patients, Dr. Darrow is considered a leading pioneer in the non-surgical treatment of degenerative Musculoskeletal Disorders and sports related injuries. He is one of the busiest Regenerative Medicine doctors in the world. Dr. Darrow has co-authored and continues to co-author leading edge medical research including research on bone marrow derived stem cells. He also comments and writes on research surrounding the treatment of chronic tendon injury, ankle and foot pain, elbow, hand and finger pain.
Joint Rehab

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