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Platelet Rich Plasma PRP

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What is Platelet-rich Plasma PRP?

Almost a decade ago, doctors at the University of Rochester wrote: ” Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is an orthobiologic that has recently gained popularity as an adjuvant treatment for musculoskeletal injuries. It is a volume of fractionated plasma from the patient’s own blood that contains platelet concentrate. The platelets contain alpha granules that are rich in several growth factors . . .which play key roles in tissue repair mechanisms. PRP has found application in diverse surgical fields to enhance bone and soft-tissue healing by placing supra-physiological concentrations of autologous platelets at the site of tissue damage. The relative ease of preparation, applicability in the clinical setting, favorable safety profile and possible beneficial outcome make PRP a promising therapeutic approach for future regenerative treatments.”(1) There has been a lot of new research since.

PRP treatments involve collecting a small amount of your blood and spinning it in a centrifuge to separate the platelets from the red cells. The collected platelets are then injected back into the injured area to stimulate healing and regeneration. PRP puts specific components in the blood to work. Blood is made up of four main components; plasma, red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Each part plays a role in keeping your body functioning properly. Platelets act as wound and injury healers. They are first on the scene at an injury, clotting to stop any bleeding and immediately helping to regenerate new tissue in the wounded area.

The platelets contain healing agents, or “growth factors.” Let’s look at some of the growth factors and what they do:
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PRP for Bone Healing and Regeneration
Researchers at the University of Memphis and Saint Louis University acknowledge that there is little doubt that the growth factor milieu contained within PRP has the potential to be highly beneficial to bone regeneration.(2) In fact, PRP is such a promising treatment for bone regeneration that doctors also support the use of PRP for large bone defects to assist healing and bone regeneration.(3) Researchers have confirmed that PRP accelerates the healing and growth of bone in large-bone tumor-created defects and other defects.(4),(5) It is also being studied for routine use in regeneration of cystic bony defects (characteristics of bone tumors) in children.(6)
Hip osteoarthritis is treated almost daily in my office.
The most amazing recovery is that of a man who was a life-long body builder. His left hip was almost fused, with no range of motion. I refused to treat the hip since I didn’t think PRP would help. Instead I used PRP on his right knee. After some success with his knee he begged me to inject his hip. I finally did, and to my surprise, he was then able to reach down to the floor to pick up weights. A movement he could not do for years before. This of course is not typical of every patient. It is his story.
Degenerative Disc Disease

In 2019 we published our study on the effectiveness of PRP treatments for the patient for chronic low back pain. The study appears in the journal Cogent Medicine.(11)

This research gives an insight into what level of treatment success we can have with certain back pain conditions and how many PRP treatments the patient should expect towards achieving their treatment goals. In this study, we demonstrated PRP outcomes in 67 of our patients.

The learning points of our study: Patients returning to everyday activities, Patients reporting immediate clinical benefit
Our results demonstrated that PRP injections may be a viable conservative approach to treat lower back pain in regards to getting patients back to their everyday activities and improving pain and function.
There is much more information on low back pain and PRP at my article: Platelet rich plasma injections chronic low back pain.
The learning points of our study: Patients returning to everyday activities, Patients reporting immediate clinical benefit
Our results demonstrated that PRP injections may be a viable conservative approach to treat lower back pain in regards to getting patients back to their everyday activities and improving pain and function.

One study showed that “[I]ntra-knee articular injection of PRP to treat knee articular cartilage degeneration is safe, [and] can alleviate symptoms of pain and swelling and improve the quality of life of patients.”(12)

Researchers in Barcelona, Spain were able to report results at six months showed improvements in patients’ knee function and quality of life.11

Another study from doctors in Thailand found that PRP produced greater improvement in knees than hyaluronic acid injection and placebos in terms of reducing symptoms and improving function, as well as in improving quality of life.12 In a study from the Mayo Clinic, PRP was seen to be more effective than hyaluronic acid in younger, active patients with low-grade osteoarthritis.13

PRP has demonstrated significant improvements in Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Scores, including pain and symptom relief, in addition to having the ability to provide pain relief, halt progression of meniscal damage, and regenerate tissue.14,15

In supportive research in the surgical journal Arthroscopy, doctors concluded that PRP injections are a viable treatment for knee osteoarthritis and should be considered for patients with this condition.16
Studies like these add to the accumulating evidence that PRP can halt and reverse meniscus degeneration.17,18,19

The most common issue that I see in the office is knee OA. I inject PRP and stem cells into many knees every day. I use an ultrasound to guide the needle to make sure the solution enters the joint. Without ultrasound guidance, there is a 33% chance that the solution will actually miss the joint, and end up in the soft tissue. Not only will that not be a healing action, but it can cause a huge inflammatory reaction with an effusion (fluid in the knee). I have heard patients say that having a baby was easier. 

Patellar tendinopathy, often called “runner’s knee,” is a condition that has been shown to respond very favorably to Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy. Researchers in the Netherlands reported: “After PRP treatment, patients with patellar tendinopathy showed a statistically significant and meaningful improvement.”20
Patients with chronic lateral epicondylitis, known as tennis elbow, received PRP injections once or twice at four-week intervals in a recent study, complemented with standardized physical therapy. Six months after the localized PRP treatment, these patients reported significant pain relief and gain in function, as well as improved quality of life. According to doctors at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute and University of Bologna in Italy, a single PRP injection may be sufficient.25 Doctors from the United Kingdom confirmed these findings, showing that PRP injections have an important and effective role in treatment of the elbow, especially in difficult cases of tennis elbow.26
Patients with chronic lateral epicondylitis, known as tennis elbow, received PRP injections once or twice at four-week intervals in a recent study, complemented with standardized physical therapy. Six months after the localized PRP treatment, these patients reported significant pain relief and gain in function, as well as improved quality of life. According to doctors at the Rizzoli Orthopedic Institute and University of Bologna in Italy, a single PRP injection may be sufficient.25 Doctors from the United Kingdom confirmed these findings, showing that PRP injections have an important and effective role in treatment of the elbow, especially in difficult cases of tennis elbow.26

1. Dhillon RS, Schwarz EM, Maloney MD. Platelet-rich plasma therapy-future or trend?. Arthritis research & therapy. 2012 Aug;14(4):1-0.
2. Rodriguez IA, Growney Kalaf EA, Bowlin GL, Sell SA. Platelet-rich plasma in bone regeneration: engineering the delivery for improved clinical efficacy.BioMed Res Int. 2014;2014:392398. doi:10.1155/2014/392398
3. Oryan A, Alidadi S, Moshiri A Platelet-rich plasma for bone healing and regeneration. Expert Opin Biol Ther. 2015 Dec 4:1-20. [Epub ahead of print.]
4. Loquercio G, DI Costanzo G, Fazioli F, Gallo M, DE Chiara A, Iervolino V, Azzaro R, Petruzziello A, Mattiello A, Cacciapuoti C. Autologous Platelet Gel Improves Bone Reconstruction of Large Defects in Patients with Bone Giant Cell Tumors. In Vivo. 2015 Sep-Oct;29(5):533-40. PMID: 26359411.
5.  Civinini R, Macera A, Nistri L, Redl B, Innocenti M. The use of autologous blood-derived growth factors in bone regeneration. Clin Cases Miner Bone Metab. 2011 Jan-Apr; 8(1):25-31.
6. Nagaveni NB, Praveen RB, Umashankar KV, Pranav B, Sreedevi R, Radhika NB. Efficacy of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in bone regeneration after cyst enucleation in pediatric patients–a clinical study. J Clin Pediatr Dent. 2010 Fall;35(1):81-7.
7. Civinini R, Nistri L, Martini C, Redl B, Ristori G, Innocenti M. Growth factors in the treatment of early osteoarthritis. Clin Cases Miner Bone Metab. 2013 Jan;10(1):26-9. doi: 0.11138/ccmbm/2013.10.1.026. PubMed Abstract.
8. Dallari D, Stagni C, Rani N, Sabbioni G, Pelotti P, Torricelli P, Tschon M, Giavaresi G. Ultrasound-guided injection of platelet-rich plasma and hyaluronic acid, separately and in combination, for hip osteoarthritis: a randomized controlled study. Am J Sports Med. 2016 Jan 21. pii: 0363546515620383. [Epub ahead of print]
9. Rafols C, Monckeberg JE, Numair J, Botello J, Rosales J. Platelet-rich plasma augmentation of arthroscopic hip surgery for femoroacetabular impingement: a prospective study with 24-month follow-up. Arthroscopy. 2015 Oct;31(10):1886-92. doi: 10.1016/j.arthro.2015.03.025. Epub 2015 May
10. Ali M, Mohamed A, Ahmed HE, Malviya A, Atchia I. The use of ultrasound-guided platelet-rich plasma injections in the treatment of hip osteoarthritis: a systematic review of the literature. Journal of ultrasonography. 2018;18(75):332.
11. Marc Darrow, Brent Shaw, Schmidt Nicholas, Xian Li & Gabby Boeger. Tsai-Ching Hsu (Reviewing editor:) (2019) Treatment of unresolved lower back pain with platelet-rich plasma injections, Cogent Medicine, DOI: 10.1080/2331205X.2019.1581449
12. Khalaf K, Nikkhoo M, Ya-Wen Kuo, Yu-Chun Hsu, Parnianpour M, Campbell-Kyureghyan N, Haghpanahi M, Jaw-Lin Wang. Recovering the mechanical properties of denatured intervertebral discs through Platelet-Rich Plasma therapy. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2015 Aug; 933-6. doi: 10.1109/EMBC.2015.7318516.
13. Li M, Zhang C, Ai Z, Yuan T, Feng Y, Jia W. Therapeutic effectiveness of intra-knee-articular injection of platelet-rich plasma on knee articular cartilage degeneration. Zhongguo Xiu Fu Chong Jian Wai Ke Za Zhi. 2011 Oct;25(10):1192-6.
14. Wang-Saegusa A, Cugat R, Ares O, et al. Infiltration of plasma rich in growth factors for osteoarthritis of the knee short-term effects on function and quality of life. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2011 Mar;131(3):311-7. Epub 2010 Aug 17.
16. Kanchanatawan W et al. Short-term outcomes of platelet-rich plasma injection for treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol. Arthrosc. 2015 Sep 19. [Epub ahead of print]
17. Pourcho AM, Smith J, Wisniewski SJ, Sellon JL. Intraarticular platelet-rich plasma injection in the treatment of knee osteoarthritis: review and recommendations. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2014 Nov;93(11 Suppl 3):S108-21. doi: 10.1097/PHM.0000000000000115.
14. Sampson S, Reed M, Silvers H, et al. Injection of platelet-rich plasma in patients with primary and secondary knee osteoarthritis: a pilot study. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2010 Dec;89(12):961-9.
15. Blanke F, Vavken P, Haenle M, von Wehren L, Pagenstert G, Majewski M. Percutaneous injections of platelet-rich plasma for treatment of intrasubstance meniscal lesions. Muscles Ligaments Tendons J. 2015 Oct 20;5(3):162-166.
16. Campbell KA, Saltzman BM, Mascarenhas R, Khair MM, Verma NN, Bach BR Jr, Cole BJ. A Systematic Review of Overlapping Meta-analyses. Arthroscopy. 2015 Nov;31(11):2213-21. doi: 10.1016/j.arthro.2015.03.041. Epub 2015 May 29.
17. Wu CC, Chen WH, Zao B, Lai PL, Lin TC, Lo HY, Shieh YH, Wu CH, Deng WP. Regenerative potentials of platelet-rich plasma enhanced by collagen in retrieving pro-inflammatory cytokine-inhibited chondrogenesis. Biomaterials. 2011 Sep;32(25):5847-54. Epub 2011 May 25.
18. van Buul GM et al. Platelet-rich plasma releasate inhibits inflammatory processes in osteoarthritic chondrocytes. Am J Sports Med. 2011 Nov;39(11):2362-70. Epub 2011 Aug 19.
19. Kon E, Buda R, Filardo G, Di Martino A, Timoncini A, Canacchi A, Fornasari PM, Giannini S, Marcacci M. Platelet-rich plasma: intra-articular knee injections produced favorable results on degenerative cartilage lesions. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2010; 18(4):472-479.
20. Gosens T, Den Oudsten BL, Fievez E, van ‘t Spijker P, Fievez A. Pain and activity levels before and after platelet-rich plasma injection treatment of patellar tendinopathy: a prospective cohort study and the influence of previous treatments. Int Orthop. 2012 Apr 27.
21. Mei-Dan O, Carmont MR. The role of platelet-rich plasma in rotator cuff repair. Sports Med Arthrosc. 2011 Sep;19(3):244-50. doi: 10.1097/JSA.0b013e318227b2dc.
22. von Wehren L, Blanke F, Todorov A, Heisterbach P, Sailer J, Majewski M. The effect of subacromial injections of autologous conditioned plasma versus cortisone for the treatment of symptomatic partial rotator cuff tears. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol.Arthrosc. 2015 May 28. [Epub ahead of print]
23. Yang J, Sun Y, Xu P, Cheng B. Can patients get better clinical outcomes by using PRP in rotator cuff repair: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2015 Oct 16.
25. Salamanna F, Veronesi F. New and emerging strategies in platelet-rich plasma application in musculoskeletal regenerative procedures: general overview on still open questions and outlook. BioMed Research International. Volume 2015 (2015), Article ID 846045, 24 pages
26. Murray DJ, Javed S, Jain N, Kemp S, Watts AC. Platelet-rich plasma injections in treating lateral epicondylosis: a review of the recent evidence. J Hand Microsurg. 2015 Dec;7(2):320-325. Epub 2015 Jul 8.
27. Guelfi M, Pantalone A, Vanni D, Abate M, et al. Long-term beneficial effects of platelet-rich plasma for non-insertional Achilles tendinopathy. Foot Ankle Surg. 2015 Sep;21(3):178-81. doi: 10.1016/j.fas.2014.11.005. Epub 2014 Dec 11. PubMed Abstract.
28. López-Gavito E, Gómez-Carlín LA, Parra-Téllez P, Vázquez-Escamilla J. Platelet-rich plasma for managing calcaneus tendon tendinopathy and plantar fasciitis. Acta Ortop Mex. 2011 Nov-Dec;25(6):380-5. PubMed PRP Abstract.
29. Gaweda K, Tarczynska M, Krzyzanowski W. Treatment of Achilles tendinopathy with platelet-rich plasma. Int J Sports Med. 2010 Aug;31(8):577-83. Epub 2010 Jun 9. PubMed Abstract.
30. Hegab AF et al. Platelet-Rich Plasma Injection as an Effective Treatment for Temporomandibular Joint Osteoarthritis. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2015 Sep;73(9):1706-13. doi: 10.1016/j.joms.2015.03.045. Epub 2015 Mar 24.
31. Hancı M, Karamese M, Tosun Z, Aktan TM, Duman S, Savaci N. Intra-articular platelet-rich plasma injection for the treatment of temporomandibular disorders and a comparison with arthrocentesis. J Craniomaxillofac Surg. 2015 Jan;43(1):162-6. doi: 10.1016/j.jcms.2014.11.002. Epub 2014 Nov 15. 

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