
Information on surgery for advanced ankle osteoarthritis

Marc Darrow, MD. JD. A recent study (1) discusses the problem orthopedists and surgeons have in presenting treatment options to their patients with advanced ankle osteoarthritis. As many doctors and patients are aware, ankle osteoarthritis treatment protocols have no real guideline recommendations of its own. Researchers say most doctors treat an ankle problem as they would treat a knee or hip and follow hip or knee treatment protocols when treating the ankle. Why is there concern with this approach? The concern is that these are the same guidelines of conservative care protocols that ultimately lead to patient pain management programs

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Information for a torn meniscus. Conservative care, surgery and injections

Marc Darrow, MD Many people today are exploring meniscus surgery alternatives. One reason is that there is significant and controversial research to suggest that not only will meniscus surgery NOT help them, but is some instances, the surgery may leave them worse off. But what if you have been told that surgery is the only option? Research presented in this article may provide you with an understanding that perhaps there are more options than just surgery. As we see from the research presented in this article, menisectomy surgery can lead to long-term knee instability. Joints, including the knee, are able

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Research on injections for ankle pain

Marc Darrow, MD, JD. In our practice we see many people with chronic ankle sprain who have a medical history including numerous ankle arthroscopic procedures. They will usually contact out office looking for options to their next surgery which would be an ankle fusion or a total ankle replacement. Why? Because chronic ankle instability is very common and unfortunately prone to re-injury or recurrent problems. Usually, someone being told they need one more surgery will lead these people to more exhaustively research alternatives. This includes the various types of ankle injections. A July 2020 paper (1) compared various medicine injection

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Information on Failed back surgery syndrome.

Marc Darrow, MD, JD. In this article I hope to share with you three main thoughts from recent research. Who is at risk for failed back surgery? What happens to put people at risk for failed back surgery syndrome before the surgery? What can be done in situations for failed back surgery syndrome after the surgery? I have made it a point throughout this website to display my great admiration for surgeons. I went to medical school to become a surgeon. As I saw more and more failed surgeries I decided to change my practice over to providing non-surgical methods. There

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Platelet Rich Plasma Injections for knee osteoarthritis

Marc Darrow, MD, JD. An introduction to PRP injections PRP treatments involve collecting a small amount of your blood and spinning it in a centrifuge to separate the platelets from the red cells. The collected platelets are then injected back into the injured area to stimulate healing and regeneration. The platelets contain healing agents, or “growth factors.” including Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), Transforming growth factor beta (or TGF-β, Insulin-like growth factors, Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and Epidermal growth factors. The number of treatments needed can vary from patient to patient depending on the level of knee degeneration and the

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Do Painkillers Cause Lower Testosterone Levels?

Marc Darrow, MD, JD. We see a number of patients who have advancing osteoarthritis but who are too young for joint replacement and are being managed for their joint pain until they are told they are old enough for a hip or knee replacement. While they wait, many are losing hormones, gaining weight, and losing mobility. Typically, these people will have lower levels of activity, chronic pain, leading to weight gain and obesity and are on pain medications. They are, clearly, in a poor healing milieu.  In our office we have seen many men who had a long history of

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