
Do you need a hip replacement? Factors in the decision making process

Marc Darrow, MD,JD. Over the years we have seen our fair share of people with a diagnosis of a bone-on-bone hips. The people we usually see have a lot of hip pain and instability which causes walking difficulties, balance difficulties and prevents these people from feeling stable on their feet. They also come into our office claiming that they have been told they only have one treatment option, hip replacement and that they should get on the list to get one. They are here in our office to ask, “Is hip replacement really my only option?” Article summary Diagnosing Hip

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MRI Neck findings and chronic pain

Marc Darrow, MD, JD. Everyday we get many emails.  In many of these emails the person asking a question sends me their cervical neck MRI findings. That is all they send: A cut and paste of their MRI report. They never say what their pain is like, how this neck pain is affecting their day to day quality of life, or any other glimpses into how this chronic neck pain is hurting them. The email that they send me is all about their neck MRI. Our own clinical findings and that of researchers is that maybe your neck pain should

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Platelet Rich Plasma therapy for chronic low back pain

Marc Darrow, MD., JD At our practice we utilize Platelet-Rich Plasma as one of our injection treatments for the patient with chronic low back pain. We may also utilize bone marrow derived stem cell therapy. The decision as to which one of these treatments to use is based on an examination in the office and an assessment of the person’s pain and functional difficulties along with the patient’s goal of treatment. Someone who needs to return to work as a landscaper will have a different treatment priority than a retired individual with lesser physical demands on his/her back. Demonstration of

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Do Opioids Cause Spinal Surgery Complications?

People with back pain, may, in many instances, suffer from terrible pain. It is typically in these patients where opioids are prescribed as a means to manage pain until surgery can be performed. As we will see in the research below, there are many setbacks to pre-surgical opioid usage. Latter in this article we will address alternatives, not only to opioid use but alternatives to the surgery you are being pain managed for. Nearly 20-29% of patients prescribed opioid pain medications misuse them and roughly 12% go on to develop an opioid addiction. An April 2023 study (1) brought light

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What causes muscle loss in aging men?

Marc Darrow, MD, JD. What causes muscle loss in men? If you have obesity and diabetes, you have known risk factors for the development of physical disability. This includes loss of muscle. A major problem we see in our practice in aging men in is sarcopenia, the progressive loss of muscle mass and strength. Researchers have put together a good amount of evidence to link obesity and diabetes as factors that will accelerate  the progression of sarcopenia, and subsequently functional muscle decline in older adults. In other research not only was obesity and diabetes cited as culprits of muscle loss

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Peyronie’s disease

Marc Darrow, MD, JD. Why is your penis bent? Your doctor may have explained to you that your penis is bent because you suffer from Peyronie’s disease. This disease occurs when plaque (you can feel this as a hard lump) or scar tissue develops under the skin of your penis. When you have an erection, the bend is more noticeable. Your doctor may ask you if you recently had an injury that required catherization, or if you suffered from genital trauma through injury. Sometimes strong, vigorous sexual activity can injure the penis. Your doctor may ask you about or check

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