
Thumb Osteoarthritis: Research on BMAC Stem Cell Therapy, Surgery, and other treatments

Marc Darrow, MD Most of the people that contact our office looking for treatment for their thumb pain have already had a long history of treatments with limited success. In fact, many will confess that their doctors are now recommending pain management (anti-inflammatories and painkillers) as their primary treatments now that splints, physical therapy, and a generous amount of ice are no longer helping. These people will receive pain management until the decision is made to go to surgery or “live with it.” For many, the benchmark of when to proceed to surgery is when cortisone injections fail to offer

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Does testosterone supplementation help Erectile Dysfunction?

Marc Darrow, MD, JD. In this article we will review the research on the benefits of testosterone for improving sexual health in men with a focus on erectile dysfunction. For decades, doctors and researchers have speculated on, debated, on and remain divided on the role of testosterone in reversing problems of erectile dysfunction. Doctors have long noted that among the issues that cause erectile dysfunction, hormonal deficiency may be at the bottom of causes. More to the point, is testosterone deficiency, by itself, a cause of erectile dysfunction? Let’s review that last twenty years of research and see where 2024

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Erectile Dysfunction and Shock Wave Therapy

To get and maintain and erection, you need blood flow into the penis. If the arteries that supply blood to the penis are blocked or damaged, the blood does not get to the penis is sufficient quantities to create an erection. Shockwave therapy, a non-surgical treatment that applies extracorporeal (generated externally) shock waves (waves that break down and repair tissue) to the shaft of the penis. The treatment targets the creation and repair of blood vessels and other tissue in the penis. Research has suggested that extracorporeal shock waves can provide vary degrees of improvement in erectile dysfunction. It is

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PRP Penile Injection for erectile dysfunction

Marc Darrow, MD, JD PRP Penile, the P-Shot, or PRP Penis Injections are names to describe injections of platelet rich plasma into the penis to address concerns of erectile dysfunction. The injections are typically given into the corpora cavernosa (the two chambers of the shaft of the penis that fills with blood to maintain an erection) to help repair damage to arteries in the penis that may prevent erections because of blood flow impediment. Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy or sometimes referred to as PRP is a regenerative (repairs and grows tissue) / biologic (from you) therapy that uses the healing

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Sleep and Healing

When researching the medical literature for studies that explore sleep and joint pain, you will see that many of the research studies will begin with “the correlation between sleep and joint pain is poorly understood.” Let’s look at this one study (1) : Patients were selected who suffered from neck pain, referred pain from the neck, disability, catastrophizing, depression, and problems of sleep quality. The doctors found that despite these problems, if you could reverse the problems of sleep quality and get them a good night’s sleep the pain would significantly improve. Conversely, neck pain “is less likely to improve in patients

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Back and neck pain from carrying a golf bag

Some golfers like to get that extra bit of exercise on the course by not only walking the course, but carrying their own bags as well. However, carrying a 20-25 pound bag while walking a couple of miles over a course can cause significant chronic pain. In golfers much has been made about the golf swing causing spine problems including into the neck. But not much has been made about what carrying the bag can do if you do not maintain a good posture and a good gait. The weight of the bag impacts back pain Golf is an exploding

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